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A fatty liver occurs when you take in more fat and calories than your liver can process. As a result, simple fats build up in the liver cells, making the liver prone to damage. The most common reason for the development of fatty liver disease is obesity—with obese individuals increasing their chances of developing the condition by about 75-percent. Although a fatty diet and weight gain is the main culprit, diabetes (or insulin resistance), hyperlipidemia (or elevated lipids in the blood), and alcohol abuse (with 90 to 100-percent of binge drinkers contracting fatty livers) will also increase the chances.

Here are the ten most common symptoms of fatty liver disease:

1. Fatigue: Weakness, confusion, impaired judgment, or trouble concentrating, severe energy loss.

2. Obesity: Carrying around a lot of excess weight will increase your risk.

3. Genetics: Heredity, something that’s passed down from parent to child.

4. Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin and in the whites of the eyes.

5. Urine Color: Unusually dark. This is because of the presence of toxins.

6. Skin Changes: Discoloration in the neck and under the arms, spider veins on the chest, back, and shoulders and palms turning red and nail beds turning white with enlarged fingertips.

7. Abdominal Pain: You’ll experience the discomfort in the center or right upper portion of the abdomen, which may indicate internal bleeding.

8. No Symptoms: Fatty liver disease is often called a silent killer—meaning it shows almost no symptoms, particularly in the beginning stages.

9. Fluid Retention: An engorged abdomen, a condition called ascites, which occurs due to fluid retention in the abdomen and liver.

10. Muscle Wasting: Condition called Dupuytren’s Contracture, in which the tendons in the hands shrink, the fingers curl, and muscle tremors (or uncontrolled shaking) set in.

No other supplement has quite the effect on the liver as does Fatty Liver 4 Me. This supplement is involved in nearly every aspect of healthy liver function, from helping during the detoxifying process, to helping the liver regenerate new cells to replace damaged cells. And, although Fatty Liver 4 Me is the friend of a healthy liver, it also offers a few other surprises that may benefit you or a family member, and could save their life. This supplement’s  primary function is on liver health. The liver is the organ in the body that processes the nutrients that we put into our bodies, as well as any drugs, chemicals, alcohol and other pollutants that enter the blood stream.

Fatty Liver 4 Me also protects the cells of the liver from free radical. It is also involved in helping the liver to make new healthy cells, which replace not only old cells, but also liver cells that have been damaged and could lead to an overall state of liver dysfunction. In fact, those suffering from hepatitis, a type of viral infection of the liver, fatty liver, cirrhosis, scarring of the liver from previous damage, or those who are recovering alcoholics, may benefit from use of this supplement  to help regenerate a new healthy liver. It is also used in the prevention and treatment of gallstones, which are very painful and block the flow of bile, a digestive juice, from the liver to the intestines. Besides protecting the health of the liver, it is also involved in a number of other functions. As an anti-inflammatory agent, it is useful for inflammatory conditions.

It is best to take this supplement between meals, and side effects are extremely rare. It should take from 1-2 weeks to notice benefits, although the herb is usually taken long-term to treat chronic liver disorders. Fatty Liver 4 Me is considered to be one of the safest supplement available, and no contraindications are known for prescription medications, pregnancy or lactation100% Natural. Made in USA. No side effects.

Directions:  ADULTS as a dietary supplement, take two capsules, two to times per day with water.

Ingredients:  Milk thistle 800 mg, Echinacea 200 mg, Dandelion root 170 mg, Burdok root 120 mg, Licorice root 150 mg, Picrorhiza kurroa root 100 mg, Black radish root 70 mg and Proprietary Blend

PRICE $ 34.99



EXP.: 12/2029

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