Waterslide decal.
Please confirm size before completing the purchase (rulers on top and on the bottom of the decal image).
your wood surface by applying at least one coat of hard finish, such as
varnish or lacquer. Waterslide decals may not adhere properly on satin
best results apply the decal over bright shiny surfaces. You may also
apply the decals to a fully finished instrument (no need for sanding if
the surface is clean and smooth).
1. Gather these materials before you start:
Bowl of warm water
2. Cut
the decal roughly 1 to 2 mm around the edge of the image, the edge will
be transparent once you slide it off the backing paper.
3. Once
the decal is cut out, plan your placement of it on the instrument. If
you are installing two decals on the same instrument, use a ruler to
make sure they are positioned symmetrically. Use masking tape to mark
the positions so you can easily place the wet decal(s) properly without
4. When
you are ready to apply the decal, plunge it into the warm water and
hold it under the surface for 30-60 seconds, until you can begin to
slide the thin film off the backing paper.
5. Remove
the decal from the backing and place it carefully onto the instrument.
You should be able to slide it a little to centre it properly.
6. Use
a paper towel to gently dab off the excess moisture and work any
wrinkles and bubbles out of the decal. This takes a little time. Look at
the reflection of light on the decal to help you spot the bubbles.
7. When the decal is smooth, set it aside to dry thoroughly, for at least 3 hours or more.
8. After
the decal is fully dry you can apply a top coat of clear varnish to
seal it permanently. You must apply several "dust coats" first and let
them dry otherwise you are at risk of the decal melting. Metallic decals
(Gold or Silver) are more sensitive to chemicals, water based lacquer
is recommended.
aggressive products like Nitro or polyurethane can react with the ink
if they melt thru the decals protective coat. To avoid this light spray
(myst coats) the first 4 coats and make sure the first coat is fully dry
before you apply the next.
achieve a flat surface you need to apply several coats of lacquer and
smooth sand the decal area every 3 coats. The number of coats needed can
Step 8 is optional,
but if you want the decal to be permanent, you’ll need to put sealer
over it. If you think you might want to change the decoration sometime
in the future, then you can leave it unsealed. It can be peeled off by
lifting one edge with a razor blade and pulling the dry film up and off.